Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Have a blessed day

Well here is a quick post. I am currently in Alabama and life is going well. The meetings have gone smooth and I have not felt unprepared at all which is really nice. I just finish up in Mississippi and I am on my way back to Alabama and I am filling the rental car up. The guy behind me tried to convert me to Jesus while standing in line at a Truck stop. How crazy is that? Who does that? So he gives me a CD and tells me that just like Dion Sanders there is more to life than Just winning Super Bowls. The reason for the title of this blog post is because that is what everyone used to say when I lived in Charleston. It never sounded right to me. At this truck stop they had some awesome Elvis stuff so I had to buy some. I think I might but all of me lights and everything I can from a Truck stop. If it is not sold in a truck stop I do not want it. I went and had some BBQ tonight and it was very good. I ate enough to be really full but not so much that I do not feel good. That is the best thing about the South is committed to the making really good food. I say keep it up, and we will look the other way when it comes to healthy eating. MORE TO COME.

Peace out.