Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some more quick hits but more detailed.

Taxis – they all have GPS in them so you just tell them where to go and they type it in and they go. They do not get lost so they cannot stiff you, it is awesome. The bad part is that the cab company knows where the cars are at all times. It is pretty cool though.

Bus Stops – Most of the bust stops have signs that tell you how many minutes away your bus is. It is so cool. I saw one that said the next bus was 36 minutes away so that way you can grab a beer and wait for the bus and not miss it.

Oviedo – is a pretty big town with not so many people in it. It never feels crowed. I do not think Oviedo has ever been attacked because the architecture is way too nice and it all looks really old. It is pretty crazy. You can run into a lot of places because you are always looking up and seeing the different architecture.

Condiments – They really do not like any kind of condiment on anything. Not ketchup, no salt, no pepper no nada. It is pretty amazing to think that everyone likes the same stuff the same way, but who knows.

English – it is amazing when you are attempting to speak Spanish how terrible your English gets. Maybe it is just me, who knows but I really struggle with English over here and I change the way that I talk as well. I speak much slower and much more direct than if I was just in the states.

Street Signs – There are none. I have no idea how anyone who does not live here know how to get anywhere. I guess that is why all of the taxis have GPS.

Lottery – They have people walking around with lotto tickets around their neck. I have no idea how it works but it must because there are a lot of people selling them. The other crazy thing is that they have blind people selling these tickets. It is crazy. I have no idea how or why they let the blind do it but Spain is not America.

The after work bar (cafe) scene – It is awesome. It is like happy hour but only more fun because more people are there and they always have free appetizers. They are little bite size things and they are so good. They also offer them at lunch. I do not know why anyone would ever order anything if they offered these because they are really good. Who knows that is why Spain is so great.

Well I think this maybe the last Post from Spain. Country number 14 in the passport. I really had a great time and i look forward to being back. The Spanish people are pretty chill and play it pretty even. I know we will all be in touch. until next time: Stay Safe. MORE TO COME.

Peace out.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bring on the Bread

I sort of feel like all of my posts are about eating but i guess that is what interests me. So here we go. They serve bread with everything. You do not eat anything without bread. If you run out room on your plate, you just put it on the table cloth. It is crazy how much bread they eat. No one eats too many veggies but they do not hold back on the bread. All of the rolls are of the hard roll type. They are not afraid of Carbs which is very fun and everyone has a good time.

They are not afraid of the dishwasher either. After every course they take away all of the silverware and bring you new stuff. They also are very always want the right plate/bowl for the correct type of food. If you do not have the right one, or you just want to try a little bit of someone's food, they will bring a new one.

The craziest thing about food beside the long lunches is what time they eat. Everyone starts to eat dinner around 9 pm. But it is not uncommon to start eating around 10-11. So that is crazy, i have no idea what time everyone else goes to bed but if you have a meeting a 9 pm you really cannot do a lot after a 10 pm dinner. It does not seem that going out for dinner is as big a deal in the states but people do it. I think everyone walks to dinner because when you get out of dinner there is never anyone around. So that is odd because you see people at restaurants but they are not out on the roads so who knows. So there you go with the update on dinner, now in other news.
Yesterday was the first nice that I have had when i was at a Coke Battery it is unreal, how that works that if you go to a coke battery you will have bad weather. When we were there the awesome thing was that there was a school group that was taking a tour of the plant. How bummed out would you be if your teacher said you were going on a field trip tomorrow and then they said you were going to a coke battery. What a bummer. Today is my last full day here in Spain so i need to do everything that i need to do in the last day so it looks like i was here for a long time. We have not had a ton of time to do all of the little side things when you are a true tourist. I guess Oviedo is not a place that people like to talk about because there are no postcards in the town. I will not get turned away every place has a postcard about it, so we will find them. I also took some pictures yesterday so all is well, people will know that i am hear. I know we will be chatting soon and i look forward to hear from everyone. MORE TO COME.

Peace out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let us talk about Sidre

So last night, there we did something that we never did before. We had Sidre. It is pronounced Cider with a Spanish accent. I spoke with a couple of people about it and they all said good things, so I was somewhat interested in it. Well let me tell you what it is first. It is apple cider with booze in it. Just like Woodchuck (I think because I have never had Woodchuck). It is just apples that have fermented. Sidre is native to this region of Spain. Everyone loves it here. Let me tell you about it. It leaves something to be desired. The experience is fun but the taste is a little different. I will talk about the taste first. It is very bitter and not so sweet. It taste like apple juice that has been in the fridge for like 8 weeks too long. Now because that is bad we need to talk about the good. The experience is awesome, here is how it works. You order a bottle (about 6 servings per bottle) and the wait staff pours it for you. They do one of 2 things. They either pour it free hand or they pour it in a cylinder. The reason why they pour it behind a cylinder is to prevent the splash. The reason why there is a splash is because they do not look at the glass when they are pouring it and they start the pour above their head. It is crazy. It is also very fun to watch. So they pour about a shot and a half in glass and every time they hand it to you, it has to be finished before you set the glass down. It is crazy like that and very funny. Everyone is watching you and you have a jolly good time. The smells are not so good but it is well worth you time. If you find a good Sidre, well then get loose because you did better than I. In case you were wondering 3 of us did 4 bottles and everyone had fun and was not drunk. So enjoy. Oh yea by the way lunch was at least 5 hours today. So now you know. MORE TO COME.

Peace out.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Quick hits about Spain

Hello everyone,

I am sorry it has taken some time to post so you are getting like 2 in 1o minutes. So here you go. Here are some quick hits.
Lunch -- Everyone takes a 2-3 hour lunch. Nothing happens during that time. I mean nothing. If you want to go pick up some parts you need for the afternoon, you will have to wait. It is crazy. With lunch being so long you do not get home until about 8 pm.
The style of lunch -- First you start with a beer, then you drink some wine and have some food. It is unreal. After lunch is over you go back to work doing your job that needs fine motor skills.
Smoking -- Everyone smokes. It is unreal. I do not know if Spain knows about 2nd hand smoke or they just do not care because everyone does it. It is crazy.
Oviedo -- I think that is spanish for the "town that only sells shoes." It is unreal how many shoe stores there are in this town. Shoe stores are the Starbucks of Oviedo.
Google -- How come google is so smart and wants to tell you that you are in Spain. I know i am in Spain but does not mean that i know Spanish or can read web pages in Spanish? I want the stuff in English.
Bruce Springsteen -- He is following me around the world. 3 weeks ago he was in Cleveland and tonight he is about 3 hours away from Oviedo. That is pretty crazy. I guess Spain is pretty crazy for El Jefe.
3 years of Spanish 10 years ago -- You will amaze yourself on how much you remember about everything when you are forced to use it and talk with others. That is by far the highlight of the trip. I know I got "C's" in the class but i sure remembered a lot.
Sidear --I think that is how you spell it. It deserves it's own post so i will give you one very shortly. I hope all is well. More to come.

Peace out.

Viva Esapana

Well I am back and I am sorry that is has taken so long for me to do another post. Hopefully that will change very soon. I guess I have not been traveling very much in the last five months. Who knows? Well I am back and this time I am on a different continent. I am in Oviedo, Spain. I left the US on Saturday and I got to my hotel about 2:30 pm on Sunday (11/25). Everything went smoothly and I did not have any trouble. You can have your business class; it was a pretty nice flight with an open seat next to me. I slept for almost all of the 6 hour flight so I feel pretty rested. I did take a nap when I got to the hotel from about 4 pm to about 6 pm. Well that was a bad idea because when I went for a walk pretty much all of the stores were closed. Hopefully they will reopen for dinner so I can get something to eat.

I would say the best story so far was on my flight from Madrid to Asutrias. After standing in the wrong line at the Madrid airport for about 30 mins I get my boarding pass and I am ready to go. In Madrid you only take your shoes off if you are wearing boots or something with a clunky heal. Very nice change. They also give the people that take their shoes off covers so that they do not have to walk on the dirty floor. That was very nice as well. So I board the plane knowing little or no Spanish and all of the sudden a fellow passenger walks up to me and starts speaking in Spanish. At that point I just freeze. I have no idea what to do or what to say. He notices that I have no idea what is going on and he says, “English?” I say yes and they wants to know if I would switch seats with him so that he can sit next to his girlfriend. I say sure and in perfect English like he has lived his whole life in America says, “thanks, man.” And I move to his old seat of 8C. Most of the people that I have spoken with know a good amount of English. I can tell you this, their English is going to be better than my Spanish so we shall see. Later that night am walking around the street and I see him (40 mins from the airport) and we give the universal head nod and he gives it back so I guess it is universal.

We will be doing a lot of different things this week. There will be service calls as well as sales meetings and other things. I have my eye out for some cool Spanish things so we shall see what we bring back. I hope all is well with all of the readers out there and I will be posting more often I promise. MORE To Come.

Peace out.
