Monday, November 26, 2007

Quick hits about Spain

Hello everyone,

I am sorry it has taken some time to post so you are getting like 2 in 1o minutes. So here you go. Here are some quick hits.
Lunch -- Everyone takes a 2-3 hour lunch. Nothing happens during that time. I mean nothing. If you want to go pick up some parts you need for the afternoon, you will have to wait. It is crazy. With lunch being so long you do not get home until about 8 pm.
The style of lunch -- First you start with a beer, then you drink some wine and have some food. It is unreal. After lunch is over you go back to work doing your job that needs fine motor skills.
Smoking -- Everyone smokes. It is unreal. I do not know if Spain knows about 2nd hand smoke or they just do not care because everyone does it. It is crazy.
Oviedo -- I think that is spanish for the "town that only sells shoes." It is unreal how many shoe stores there are in this town. Shoe stores are the Starbucks of Oviedo.
Google -- How come google is so smart and wants to tell you that you are in Spain. I know i am in Spain but does not mean that i know Spanish or can read web pages in Spanish? I want the stuff in English.
Bruce Springsteen -- He is following me around the world. 3 weeks ago he was in Cleveland and tonight he is about 3 hours away from Oviedo. That is pretty crazy. I guess Spain is pretty crazy for El Jefe.
3 years of Spanish 10 years ago -- You will amaze yourself on how much you remember about everything when you are forced to use it and talk with others. That is by far the highlight of the trip. I know I got "C's" in the class but i sure remembered a lot.
Sidear --I think that is how you spell it. It deserves it's own post so i will give you one very shortly. I hope all is well. More to come.

Peace out.

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