Taxis – they all have GPS in them so you just tell them where to go and they type it in and they go. They do not get lost so they cannot stiff you, it is awesome. The bad part is that the cab company knows where the cars are at all times. It is pretty cool though.
Bus Stops – Most of the bust stops have signs that tell you how many minutes away your bus is. It is so cool. I saw one that said the next bus was 36 minutes away so that way you can grab a beer and wait for the bus and not miss it.
Condiments – They really do not like any kind of condiment on anything. Not ketchup, no salt, no pepper no nada. It is pretty amazing to think that everyone likes the same stuff the same way, but who knows.
English – it is amazing when you are attempting to speak Spanish how terrible your English gets. Maybe it is just me, who knows but I really struggle with English over here and I change the way that I talk as well. I speak much slower and much more direct than if I was just in the states.
Street Signs – There are none. I have no idea how anyone who does not live here know how to get anywhere. I guess that is why all of the taxis have GPS.
Lottery – They have people walking around with lotto tickets around their neck. I have no idea how it works but it must because there are a lot of people selling them. The other crazy thing is that they have blind people selling these tickets. It is crazy. I have no idea how or why they let the blind do it but
The after work bar (cafe) scene – It is awesome. It is like happy hour but only more fun because more people are there and they always have free appetizers. They are little bite size things and they are so good. They also offer them at lunch. I do not know why anyone would ever order anything if they offered these because they are really good. Who knows that is why
Peace out.